Friday, November 30, 2012


Things have been pretty quiet here on the blog lately, but over on Instagram, things are happening every day, sometimes even two, three or four times a day. I might be just a little bit obsessed with the simplicity of sharing with just one click. It's the ultimate lazy blogger's cop-out. Yes, the lazy blogger is me. You can follow me, I'm "iamkateyz". You know you want to.


  1. I hear you! Can we just abandon our blogs and do it the easy way on instagram! I'm tempted!

  2. Seriously, I love it. And I am so impressed you can get up so early!!

  3. I could have sworn I already followed you, but now I do! And I agree, Instagram is so much easier and I can see quilty eye candy all day!

  4. Yup I love Instagram too but I also enjoy sharing more on my blog...whatever works, eh?
