Sunday, January 9, 2011

On Again

After over a year and a half of separation, many fights and tears, my almost ex-husband and I have decided to go to counselling and make this work. I was the kind of person who always laughed when people got back together with their ex. After all, there was a reason they split up in the first place. Well, yes there was a reason, but in a year and a half we've both become completely different people. I went to school, moved to the big city, got a full time job, made all new friends. As for my almost ex, I don't even know him anymore. He has lost weight, over 170 pounds. That has made him look at life, and what he can do, in an entirely different light. His priorities have made a 180 degree turn. So, we've decided to take the new us to a counsellor so we can work out our old problems. And I couldn't be happier.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. sorry, posted under the wrong acct lol.
    thanks for visiting me.
    and i just had posted that i got divorced over 10 years ago and it was hard, especially with 2 young children.

  3. Your last line "I couldn't be happier"
    made me smile.

    I'm happy for you and am hoping for the absolute best!

  4. Hi Katie. Thanks for coming over to say hi to me at my blog Simplify. And I say, do what your heart says is right for you, and if working it through is right, do it!!!

  5. Well, I am rooting for you guys. (praying, wishing for the best, etc). I was so happy to see your comment on my site- I have been thinking about you and meant to see if you were still on FB all through the holidays, but I never actually thought of it while I was at the computer- more like at times that I was stuffing a turkey or folding laundry, etc (not that you remind me of a turkey). I wasn't at the game on Saturday- was at a memorial instead :( Too bad they were at the same time as my whole family has been waiting for a local Saturday game as Kade plays locally right in the middle of church (ok, that sounds like he plays IN church- I think you know I meant that he plays at the same time as church!)

  6. That sounds pretty good to me.
    I hope everything works out for you.

  7. I'm sooooo glad to see you blogging again, and most of all - that you couldn't be happier! I've missed you, Katie!!! xxoo

  8. Thank you all for your kind words and good wishes. Sometimes life DOES NOT turn out how you imagine :-)

  9. Oh I'm so happy for you especially to see you write you couldn't be happier :) I hoping for the very best outcome for you and your husband. (((Hugs)))

  10. Holy crap I missed this little bit some how...

